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Microsoft to add tablet support to Windows Phone 8

Accordingto WinSuperSiteMicrosoft is working on an update to Windows Phone 8 that would enable support for seven and ten-inch tablets.
Previous reports have suggested that the upcoming GRD3 update for Windows Phone 8 will bring support for five and six-inch smartphones. Currently, Windows Phone 8 devices are limited to four-inch screens.
There is no clear sign of when Windows Phone 8.1 is likely to arrive.
At the unveiling of the Xbox One, Microsoft stressed that it plans to unify its platforms. It said its plan is that an app created for the Xbox One will run onWindows 8 and Windows Phone 8 without it needing to be recoded.
It is possible Windows Phone 8.1 is Microsoft’s move to bring its mobile operating system in line with Windows 8.1 and the Xbox One.
According to reports, the larger screen sizes will be opt-in at first. Microsoft is understandably concerned about the perception that the fragmentation of Androiddevices has hurt the release of major apps.
Nike is one company that is understood to have held off developing an Android app for its Fuelband device because of the OS’ device fragmentation.
Other changes rumoured to be coming with the Windows Phone 8.1 update is the dropping of support for the back button. Up until now, developers have been required to include a back button to enable users to easily return to the homepage.
Most users are said to simply press the Windows button to return to their home page and as such, Microsoft has chosen to drop the requirement to streamline development.
The update is also said to fix several issues with WP8’s multitasking, including its notification system.

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